Functional Histology Kerr

Want to read more about epithelium? The following references were used to create this website:

Functional Histology Kerr Pdf

Kerr, J B. (1999) Atlas of Functional Histology. Mosby. Pp 39-58.
Kerr, J B. (2010) Functional histology. 2nd edition. Mosby. P 95
Kumar, V., Abbas, A.K., Fausto, N., Aster, J. (2010) Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Eighth edition. Saunders Elsevier. Pp 795-796, 822-823, 1171-2, 1178-1181, 1192-1193.
Pawlina, W., and Ross, M.H. (2011) Histology A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology. Seventh Edition. Wolters Kluwer. P 105-149.

T1 - Functional Histology. AU - Kerr, Jeffrey Bryce. N2 - The study of histology requires that students be able to recognise structures within cells and tissues at varying levels of magnification, and understand their function within the human body. Since histology is a visual subject, high quality images of cells. The study of histology requires that students be able to recognise structures within cells and tissues at varying levels of magnification and understand their function within the human body. Since histology is a visual subject high quality images of cells and tissues are vital as a component of course material.

Stevens A, Lowe J. (1997) Human Histology. Second edition. Mosby. Pp 33-34, 46-47, 159.
Text and visuals on this website were produced under supervision of Dr. Caroline Erolin and Dr. Richard Oparka by Anna Sieben.
Want to have a look at the world through a microscope? Log in to the virtual microscope. Use your University of Dundee login information and have a look at a collection of microscopy images of different kinds of epithelium.

Wheater’s Functional Histology PDF is a book written by many authors including Barbara Young, Philip Woodford, and Paul Wheater. The book was published originally in 1979. Histology is the study of tissues at a microscopic level to study the cause of disease and how it can be treated. Microscopy plays a major role in this study so it is also sometimes called microanatomy. Published by Churchill Livingstone, the latest edition of this book was released in 2013 and offers a comprehensive guide for med students. This book contains the fundamentals of the field so beginner levels can benefit from it too.

Wheater’s Functional Histology Pdf Review:

This book has all you need to know about histology. Aimed at students, it also contains student help resources to make learning much easier. There are more than 900 high-quality images to show the microscopic structure of human tissues. There are also illustrations to make things clearer and easier to understand. Common clinical conditions are explained and discussed in each chapter so that the students can learn how to relate histology to clinical aspects. The online resources such as self-assessment questions and a virtual history lab make things much easier for med students. Each image is accompanied by a detailed caption that has updated information from the latest research. The text is kept concise and understandable so that learning is easier.


Functional Histology Kerrville

Wheater’s Functional Histology Pdf Features:

  • This book can be used as a learning guide as there are now multiple choice questions at the back of each chapter for the students to test their learning.
  • Also, there are USMLE-style self-assessment questions that students and instructors both can use for testing knowledge.
  • Exam aid and preparation questions are also present in the book, making this text a great textbook for graduate students.
  • Photographs, micrographs, and illustrations are all accompanied by captions.

Download Wheater’s Functional Histology Pdf Free:

You can download the latest 6th edition Wheater’s Functional Histology Pdf free via the download button below.

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