Flyback Converter Design In Pspice Tutorial

LT3512 Demo Circuit - Monolithic High Voltage Isolated Flyback Converter (48V to 5V@0.5A) LT3511: 5/9/2011: LT3511 Demo Circuit - Monolithic High Voltage Isolated Flyback Converter (48V to 5V@0.3A) LTC3113: 5/6/2011: LTC3113 Demo Circuit - Low Noise Buck-Boost DC/DC for Pulsed Load or RF Power Amplifier (3.3V to 3.8V@3A) LT3060: 5/6/2011. So the conversion ratio of the flyback converter is similar to that of the buck-boost converter, but contains an added factor of n. Application of the principle of charge balance to the output capacitor C leads to i C = D (– V R)+D'(n I – V)=0 (7) Solution for I yields I = nV D'R (8) This is the dc component of the magnetizing current, referred to the primary. Circuitry Operation of Flyback Converter. If we see the basic single output flyback design like the image below we will identify the basic main components which are required to build one. A basic flyback converter requires a switch, which can be a FET or transistor, a Transformer, an output Diode, a Capacitor. The main thing is the transformer. Flyback converter buck-boost converter: magnetizing inductance Fundamentals Of Power Electronics Chapter 6: Converter circui TO understand operation Of transformer-isolated converters: replace transformer by equivalent circuit model containing magnetizing inductance analyze converter as usual, treating magnetizing inductance as.

Hello, and welcome to a short introduction to Power Stage Designer. Power Stage Designer a tool that helps engineers with calculating values for the power stage of a chosen power supply pretty quickly. It can also display the waveforms for the different components of the chosen topology. The start screen of the tool shows 20 of the most common power supply topologies to choose from. I will explain the key features of a topology window on the basis of a flyback converter. On the left side, we specify our input parameters. Our input voltage range for this design is between 27 and 60 volts. Nominal input is 48 volts. The specified output voltage is 12 volts with the maximum load current of 1.1 amps. With these values, we don't expect very high currents, so a switching frequency of 350 kilohertz is reasonable. A common value for the diode for voltage is 0.7 volts. As we won't have high currents on the primary side, we can select the maximum current ripple of 85% to reduce unnecessary transformer inductance. The maximum duty cycle is chosen to be less than 56% to leave enough time for commutation of the secondary winding. The mode of operation is continuous conduction mode. Power Stage Designer proposes values for the transformer turns ratio and the primary inductance. After entering these values, we can see the period and duty cycle on time, off time, right half plane zero, input power, output power, diode losses, secondary transformer inductance, input current and current ripple. By clicking on the symbol of the switch key one, we can evaluate the waveforms and other important parameters like minimum and maximum voltage, peak current, RMS and AC currents as well. Knowing these values is important to choose the appropriate components for our design. With the input voltage slider, we can alter the input voltage and see how different values change. Based on the maximum values for voltages and currents, we can select the appropriate parts for our power supply design. This procedure can be applied for all components in the schematic. Additional information on the chosen topology can be found via the Info button. You can save the design parameters to a file and load them whenever you need them again. Another option is to print the design. You can search TIs online database for already built and tested reference designs by clicking on the link on the bottom right. There might already be a solution for your specification or just transfer your data to Webench to start a design with a controller and optimize it for efficiency. Additionally, Power Stages Designer contains a helpful toolbox. The first item we'll take a look at is the loop calculator. With the loop calculator, users can visualize the frequency response of their power supply. Supported apologies include current mode control bucks, current mode control boost, inverting buck boost, flybacks, forwards as well as voltage mode control bucks. The FET Losses Calculator enables the user to compare different FETs. The values for certain FETs can be saved and loaded. The values on the left side transfer from the chosen topology. The capacitor current sharing calculator gives a first harmonic approximation of how the RMS currents are distributed among three parallel capacitors. This is especially helpful for choosing the right amount of required input and output capacitors. With the AC to DC Bulk Capacitor Calculator, you can estimate the required amount of bulk capacitance for AC to DC power supply based on different input parameters. The RC Snubber Calculator for rectifiers helps the user find starting values for the snubber resistance and capacitance to reduce ringing across rectifiers. The user just needs to measure the ringing frequency with and without a capacitor parallel to the rectifier. By using the RCD Snubber Calculator for flyback converters, you can reduce the switching node ringing of your flyback converter. With the Output Voltage Scaling Tool, the user has an easy way to calculate the output resistor divider for fixed output voltages as well as analog dynamic out voltage scaling as well as digital output voltage scaling. The Unit Converter helps to convert different power supply related parameters. For more information on topologies and the equations behind the toolbox, Power Stage Designer contains links to the power typologies handbook into power stage designer user's guide. Thank you for watching this video on Power Stage Designer. For more information regarding the power topologies in Power Stage Designer, please follow this link.


This tool enables engineers to calculate all important values for the power stage of their power supply design more effectively in a short amount of time. It also offers the waveform displays for different components, connected to TI Designs and WEBENCH® Design Center. In this training, we will specifically look at the design of a flyback converter.

Additional information


ENM061 Power electronic converters lp2 HT20 (7.5 hp)

Course is offered by the department of Electrical Engineering

Contact details

Lectures: Mebtu Beza (, Tel: 031-772 1617, Room 3519

Tutorials: Sepideh Amirpour (, Tel: 031-772 1628, Room 3566

Pspice exercises: Anton Kersten (, Tel: 031-772 1638, Room 3539

Anant Narula (, Tel: 031-772 1655, Room 3535


Junfei Tang (, Tel: 031-772 1663, Room 3544

Vineetha Puttaraj (, Tel: 031-772 6755, Room 2544

Mostafa Kermani ( ), Tel: 031-772 1951, Room 3531

Practical labs: Anant Narula (, Tel: 031-772 1655, Room 3535

Meng-Ju Hsieh ( ), Tel: 031-772 1650, Room 3510

Vineetha Puttaraj (, Tel: 031-772 6755, Room 2544

Robert Karlsson (, Tel: 031-772 1646, Room 3564


Power electronics deals with the conversion of electrical energy by applying solid state electronics. Power electronic converters can be applied in many different areas such as computers, electric vehicles and power systems. The course presents an introduction to the different circuits used to convert and control electrical energy. It also covers methods for designing converters which in combination with selection of suitable converter topologies, power semiconductors and passive components will give the students a basic knowledge of power electronic converters.

Flyback Converter Design In Pspice Tutorials

Course purpose

The main goal of the course is to make the students familiar with the operating principles of the most common power electronic converter topologies. Basic converter design, analysis of wave-shapes and efficiency calculations are among the items that the students will be able to perform after having participated in the course. The students will perform both simulations using Cadence PSpice as well as experimental work on real DC/DC-converters. The course also lays the foundation for the continuation course 'ENM070 - Power Electronic Devices and Applications'. The items treated in the course are also useful for engineering work in many different areas, e.g. design of power supplies, electric drive systems or power system applications.

Schedule on TimeEdit:

Course literature

Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics - Converters, Applications and Design, Wiley 2003, 3rd ed.

Extra handouts will be uploaded to the course page in canvas during the course.

Course content and organization

Lectures and tutorials:

  • Review: electric and mathematic prerequisites, voltage and current relations for passive components, mean and RMS-value, Fourier analysis.
  • Active and passive components: diodes, thyristors, MOSFETs, GTOs, IGBTs, inductors, transformers and capacitors.
  • DC/DC converters without isolation: buck, boost, buck-boost and the H-bridge converter.
  • DC/DC-converters with isolation: flyback, forward, half-bridge, push-pull and the full-bridge converter.
  • DC/AC-generation: single-phase and three-phase AC-generation, square-wave and PWM-modulated inverters, multilevel inverters.
  • Diode rectifiers: single- and three-phase diode rectifiers with continuous and discontinuous DC-side current.
  • Thyristor converters: single- and three-phase thyristor rectifiers with varying DC-side load.
  • Converter enhancements: dynamic modeling, controller design, and improved configurations
  • Heat distribution and life-time: Loss calculations, thermal calculations, cooling requirements and component life-time.

Laboratory experiments (compulsory):

All home assignments must be prepared before each lab. The lab-PM can be downloaded from the course website at least one week in advance of each occasion.

  • Buck converter
  • Flyback converter

PSpice assignments (compulsory):

All home assignments must be prepared before each occasion. The simulation files can be downloaded from the course website one week in advance of each occasion.

  • A basic power electronic circuit
  • Buck and Boost converter
  • Flyback converter
  • Single-phase inverter
  • Three-phase inverter
  • Single- and three-phase diode rectifier
  • Converter enhancements: Loss analysis and control

Before each PSpice occasion (12.30-13.15) there is an additional time slot for approval of previously completed PSpice tasks (location - check signedup group). Please use this to avoid crowding during the lab occasions.

The course consists of approximately:

  • 18 lectures (2 x 45min)
  • 13 tutorials (2 x 45min)
  • 2 practical laborations (4h)
  • 7 PSpice computer assignments (2h)

Changes made since the last occasion

  • Lectures and tutorials will be online

Learning objectives and syllabus

Learning objectives:

  • Determine Fourier components and total harmonic distortion (THD) for basic current and voltage wave-shapes.
  • Recognize the operating principle of the most common active components (e.g. diode, thyristor, IGBT, and MOSFET) as well as the most common passive components (e.g. capacitors, transformers and inductors).
  • Explain and exemplify how pulse width modulation (PWM) works. Describe the purpose as well as the means to control the desired quantity and recognize the need for a controller circuit within the power electronic converter.
  • Analyze and perform analytical calculations of ideal DC/DC converters such as the buck, boost, buck-boost, flyback and the forward converter. The operating principle of each topology is differentiated and thoroughly evaluated in both continuous and discontinuous conduction mode by its current and voltage wave-shapes. In addition to this, other topologies (e.g. the push-pull, half-bridge and full-bridge converter) and circuit enhancements (e.g. converter interleaving) are exemplified.
  • Describe the basic operating principle of both single-phase and three-phase DC/AC inverters. Different modulation strategies (e.g. PWM and square wave operation) are implemented and the resulting current and voltage waveforms are evaluated and compared.
  • Explain the operation of multilevel converters (e.g. 3-level and 5-level NPC and MMC topologies) by current and voltage waveform analysis and apply the benefits and drawbacks to e.g. harmonics and losses.
  • Perform calculations on single- and three-phase diode rectifiers operating with voltage-stiff and current-stiff DC-side. Apply the concept of line impedance within the converter circuit (current commutation) and evaluate the influence.
  • Perform calculations on single- and three-phase thyristor rectifiers operating with a current stiff DC-side. Apply the concept of line impedance within the converter circuit (current commutation) and evaluate the influence. Analyze more advanced topologies (e.g. 12-pulse connection) of the thyristor rectifier and distinguish the benefits and drawbacks.
  • Identify simple power electronic converter diagrams and schematics. Recognize the different parts in a physical circuit on which basic wave-shape and efficiency measurements is performed.
  • Perform an average small-signal dynamic modeling of a step-down converter in order to demonstrate how a corresponding analog and digital controllers can be designed.
  • Determine the losses in both passive and active components. The resulting temperature in the active component is evaluated and an appropriate heat-sink is chosen. Have a basic understanding of how the lifetime of a component can be determined.
  • Implement and test the various power electronic converter circuits, containing discrete elements, using Spice-based computer softwares as well as perform practical labs to have a firsthand experience on how real DC/DC converters operate. The exercises will help to understand the operating principles of the various converter circuits, analyze waveforms, evaluate parameter variations and perform harmonic/Fourier analysis.

Link to the syllabus on Studieportalen:

Examination form

A written exam at the end of the course decides the final grade (U, 3, 4 or 5). The limits for the grades 3, 4 and 5 are 40%, 60% and 80% of the maximum point, respectively.

Approved Laboratory (1.5 ECTS):

Flyback Converter Design In Pspice Tutorial Free

Both practical and PSpice exercises must be completed and approved to obtain a final grade (U or G).

For detailed course content and schedule, see the attached course description in the files section.

The syllabus page shows a table-oriented view of course schedule and basics ofcourse grading. You can add any other comments, notes or thoughts you have about the coursestructure, course policies or anything else.

To add some comments, click the 'Edit' link at the top.