Mf 135 Engine Serial Number Location

  1. Mf 135 Engine Serial Number Location Lookup
  2. Massey Ferguson 135 Serial Number Location
Mf 135 Engine Serial Number LocationMf 135 engine serial number location lookup

The Z134 is the engine serial number not the tractor serial number. The tractor serial number should be on a small tag attached to the lower left corner of the dash with 4 screws. There are casting dates on the side of the transmission, center housing, etc that can be decoded to determine when the castings were made. MF 135 TRACTOR F=' Massey Ferguson. Engine Serial Number Fig. C - Transmission Serial Number Fig. D - Rear Axle Serial Number. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS. Today the Foley Engines Team will be showing you how to locate the serial number on your Perkins 4.236 engine when the model and serial number tag is missing. MF 135 No engine number I'm very impressed with the performance of this little work horse. According to the serial number which is located on the right side of the dash on a tag it was born in 1973 The tag reads MF135 432482.

Mf 135 engine serial number location chart

Mf 135 Engine Serial Number Location Lookup


Massey Ferguson 135 Serial Number Location

TE-20 Tractor- all models
TE-20Tractor with Continental Z-120 petrol engine 1946-1948
TEA-20Tractor with standard petrol engine 1947-1956
TEB-20Tractor with Continental Z-120 petrol engine - Narrow 1946-1948
TEC-20Tractor with Standard petrol engine - Narrow 1948-1956
TED-20Tractor with Standard V.0.engine 1949-1956
TEE-20Tractor with Standard V.0. engine- Narrow 1949-1956
TEF-20Tractor with Standard diesel engine 1951-1956
TEH-20Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine 1950-1956
TEJ-20Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine -Narrow 1950-1956
TEK-20Tractor with Standard petrol engine~Vineyard 1952-1956
TEL-20Tractor with Standard V.0. engine~Vineyard 1952-1956
TEM-20Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine-Vineyard 1952-1956
TEP-20Tractor with Standard petrol engine - Industrial 1952-1956
TER-20 Tractor with Standard V.O. engine- Industrial 1952-1956
TES-20Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine - Industrial 1952-1956
TET-20Tractor with Standard diesel engine - Industrial 1952-1956
TEY-20Tractor with Perkins P3(TA) same a conversion1955-1956
Serial Numbers and Year of Manufacture (Total built 517,651).
1-315 1946
316-20894 1947
20895-77772 1948
77773-116461 1949
116462-167836 1950
167837-241335 1951
V.O. = Vaporising oil engine (TVO)
Lamp oil engine= Zero Octane engine
Standard engine= Engine manufactured by the Standard Motor Company